Our curriculum will focus on providing your children with learning opportunities that build on their own knowledge and experiences. We will work to broaden their knowledge in these areas through theme related projects, music and movement, learning centers, sensory experiences, and art.
When doing hands-on theme related projects, children will develop an understanding of mathematical relationships by patterning, sorting, classifying and measuring. During science experiments, children will discover relationships of growth and change, as well as, cause and effect based on concrete experiences. We will also introduce your children to many social studies experiences in dramatic play and block area that will help them to acquire awareness about how their community works and to identify roles people play in society.
Children have the opportunity to interact socially and strengthen their listening skills. We will begin each day’s circle with music and movement songs to build on such skills as strength, balance and the ability to control the movement of their bodies and to wiggle out the sillies before settling down for discussion time. Each day we discuss what the day’s events will be and offer friends an opportunity to contribute their own ideas to the group. Concepts of the days of the weeks and months of the year will be introduced and reinforced as the children participate in the daily calendar, counting and rhyming games, patterning and letter recognition with a different letter each week. A job chart will be available and the children will be assigned a different job daily or weekly. Story time will close out each day’s circle and will offer an opportunity to highlight special authors and thematic units that are being presented.
Weekly themes are reinforced through hands on projects during activity time each day. Each project is designed to broaden each childs' base of experience with the understanding of the weekly theme. New concepts and activities are introduced with an emphasis on the development of listening skills, fine and gross motor skills, creativity, eye-hand coordination and social skills. Science, nature, math, reading, social studies and multicultural concepts are incorporated into our activities. Be it painting, cutting, gluing, coloring, building, cooking or designing - you can be assured that activity time is always new, exciting and educational!